Thursday, July 30, 2009
My mom sent me this quote today & I think it's great: "Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Topic At The Counter Project!
Come check out this new question about why this awesome girl is still single & my thoughts on the matter!!

Online Dating,
Single Life
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Never Gonna Learn
Hey kids, looks like this dip-shit is never going to learn her lesson! Twice now I've met someone that I like & made the huge mistake of sleeping with them on the first date...generally I only sleep with guys on the first date if I don't want to see them again...and I ended up getting hoed out! I'm too good to treat myself & be treated this way so no matter how much I like someone or how horny I am I will not sleep with anyone I actually like right away, no way, now how & neither should you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Little Tid-Bit
I had a realization today about men in general & the way I fall into their world:
Men seem to have some sort of need to be needed & that's where I lack though men love being my friend because "I'm not like most chicks" though they turn around & marry "most chicks" so tell me how that makes sense?
Men seem to have some sort of need to be needed & that's where I lack though men love being my friend because "I'm not like most chicks" though they turn around & marry "most chicks" so tell me how that makes sense?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Just What I Wanted To Hear
I get a message from a guy on a dating site & when I read his profile it says this:

Just what I want out of a man, low expectations! Probably not the best choice in words buddy, personally I like people to have at least moderate expectations from me, this basically says to me "I don't care if you show up in sweats, I don't even care if you really like me, just so long as you are nice to my face".

Just what I want out of a man, low expectations! Probably not the best choice in words buddy, personally I like people to have at least moderate expectations from me, this basically says to me "I don't care if you show up in sweats, I don't even care if you really like me, just so long as you are nice to my face".

Commumity Websites,
Online Dating,
Pickup Lines,
Single Life
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What A Douche!
So here is a screen shot of a Q & A on Yahoo Answers that I couldn't help but participate in!! Click on the image for an easier view.

Commumity Websites,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Freaking Kids
Ok so those of you who know me know that I'm not a kid person, there are a few kids I like & when I have to I will tolerate children but I don't last long. My point on all of this is when the hell did everyone go from fun to parents? I'm beyond irritated by people who friend request me on sites like Facebook & MySpace & all the photos they have posted are of their children...how the hell am I supposed to know who they are? Also, every single status update involves their child...WTF? When I was a kid my parents lives did not revolve around me, sure I got what I wanted & was rarely told no, they carted me all over the place to dance & art classes & ice skating & to the movies but they had lives. My parents dumped me with a baby sitter at least once a week & when I heard my mom on the phone she wasn't talking about me, she was talking about herself or her friends & my dad...shit my dad's whole life revolved around himself & it still does. Yes, when it counted he was there, recitals, graduations, birthdays...etc but on a daily basis we all had our own lives so I just don't get why everybodys pages have to revolve around their kids! Facebook should seriously be renamed to Familybook because that's all it is, posts about taking kids to the Doctor & having no time for themselves & follow my pregnancy & all that other crap, if I really wanted to know I'd ask wouldn't I? I didn't join Facebook to find out what is going with your KIDS, we weren't friends in high school, you & I were so why not tell me how YOU are doing?!!! I understand that you have children & yay you if that's what you want but really, do you honestly think that everyone wants to hear all about your kids? These people really need to regain their identities before they are gone forever!

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