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I had a realization today about men in general & the way I fall into their world:
Men seem to have some sort of need to be needed & that's where I lack though men love being my friend because "I'm not like most chicks" though they turn around & marry "most chicks" so tell me how that makes sense?
I get a message from a guy on a dating site & when I read his profile it says this:
Just what I want out of a man, low expectations! Probably not the best choice in words buddy, personally I like people to have at least moderate expectations from me, this basically says to me "I don't care if you show up in sweats, I don't even care if you really like me, just so long as you are nice to my face".
So here is a screen shot of a Q & A on Yahoo Answers that I couldn't help but participate in!! Click on the image for an easier view.