"no offense, but the reason i am not your type is because i dont have the tall, athletic, pretty boy look with the moosed up highlited spikey hair. i have done studies in one of my pyc classes, and that seems to be the only type. not too many women go for the nice boy harry potter look."
"well just curious to how i'm not your type. you dont empahasize anything about looks on your profile, maybe you should if thats whats important. i think you might be missing out on a fun good guy, but i respect that you wroteme back anyway. most women think there to good to write guys like me back and then wonder why they're single and cant find a good guy. it mainly because every women out there is competeting for the same guy. i do think you're beautiful. does looks matter anyway? you're 30, in another 20 to 30 years looks are going to be gone anyway. maybe even in 10"
Hello J,
Let me start by saying that you seem very bitter in your profile which I don’t find attractive but the main reasons that you aren’t my type is the fact that your interests don’t match mine, and your poor use of grammar and spelling. It really was not your appearance. I am not attracted to the “Gotti boy” image like you seem to think.
I would also like to give you a tip that sending a woman a message making assumptions as to why she isn’t interested only illustrates your lack of self-confidence. You immediately assume that she doesn’t like the way you look which is evidence that you are uncomfortable with your own appearance and that is not attractive at all. It seems as though you are trying to place blame on others for why you are not having luck in love, but you might want to look inside yourself to figure that out and maybe things will perk up. Best of luck to you in your search for true love!!

1 comment:
Confirmation! I knew it was the same guy who flipped out on me a few months ago. He said the same stuff to me word for word (but even crazier) when I told him I didn't want to go out with him! He went as far as saying I must be a bad mother. All because he thought we were "meant to be" after meeting at boogie fever at the end of the night and chatting for ten minutes! What a mistake giving him my number (I was drunk). He continued to text message and call for days leaving nutty voicemails begging for just a chance to show me how he is different than all the other guys. Yep, he sure is "different".
Warning to all girls out there...don't get drunk and give out your number, see what can happen!
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