Thursday, February 19, 2009
Freaking Kids
Ok so those of you who know me know that I'm not a kid person, there are a few kids I like & when I have to I will tolerate children but I don't last long. My point on all of this is when the hell did everyone go from fun to parents? I'm beyond irritated by people who friend request me on sites like Facebook & MySpace & all the photos they have posted are of their children...how the hell am I supposed to know who they are? Also, every single status update involves their child...WTF? When I was a kid my parents lives did not revolve around me, sure I got what I wanted & was rarely told no, they carted me all over the place to dance & art classes & ice skating & to the movies but they had lives. My parents dumped me with a baby sitter at least once a week & when I heard my mom on the phone she wasn't talking about me, she was talking about herself or her friends & my dad...shit my dad's whole life revolved around himself & it still does. Yes, when it counted he was there, recitals, graduations, birthdays...etc but on a daily basis we all had our own lives so I just don't get why everybodys pages have to revolve around their kids! Facebook should seriously be renamed to Familybook because that's all it is, posts about taking kids to the Doctor & having no time for themselves & follow my pregnancy & all that other crap, if I really wanted to know I'd ask wouldn't I? I didn't join Facebook to find out what is going with your KIDS, we weren't friends in high school, you & I were so why not tell me how YOU are doing?!!! I understand that you have children & yay you if that's what you want but really, do you honestly think that everyone wants to hear all about your kids? These people really need to regain their identities before they are gone forever!

Commumity Websites,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Get Out Of My Head!
Have you ever had one of those experiences that won’t seem to leave your brain? Well, I’ve had many over the years but for the last few weeks I can think of only one & no matter what I do to attempt to distract myself it’s constantly popping up & I’m starting to go crazy. For 3 weeks, every time I close my eyes all I can see are his eyes & hear his noises just as plain as yesterday & it’s brought me near tears because I can’t get rid of it. For whatever reason he obviously doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore & that’s fine, it’s his choice but if it was that good for me how could it not have been even remotely that good for him? I haven’t had one occasion burned into my brain like this in years & at least then I got to relive the experience repeatedly and often & was then able to replace the images with new ones. I mean, usually when I first become intimate with a man this will happen to me, I close my eyes & see the action playing out but it stops when I need to focus on other things or once I’ve concluded they aren’t/I’m not interested anymore but no such luck this time. I close my eyes & hear him say something & then my mind takes off & I see him above me or next to me, I can see his eyes staring into mine, I can still smell his skin & feel him pressed against me and this is constant…all day, all night it’s all I can think of. Saturday night for instance, I’m watching a movie, I’m all sucked in and then poof I end up on this whirlwind of sexual past & end up having to rewind the movie back to where I drifted off at. Friday night I paid to go to a movie & twice I drifted off thinking about him…how in the hell could I let anyone affect me like this? I’m not this type of person who can’t stop thinking about someone at least not for more than a week! I try to think of other men to cancel out this one night & no matter who or what I try to think of he pops back in & fucks with me. We had discussed just having a sexual relationship & I was totally down with that & then after like 1.5 to 2 weeks I think he just stopped contacting me, which I didn’t get. Why would a man take the time out to contact a chick repeatedly for 2 weeks & then just drop her? Probably because he met someone else which is fine but how hard is it to be honest? I think I’m most bothered because of this…it isn’t like we slept together & he blew me off, that I could handle, he’s the one who texted me the very next morning, he’s the one who told me I was an excellent lover, and he’s the one who asked to get together again. What the fuck did I do to deserve being treated like this? More importantly, why am I going to tell you this: if he does call, I’m seeing him again. Obviously if sex is so good you can’t stop thinking about it for 3 weeks then I’m going back but if there is a next time…I’m keeping my guard up because had I known this would be the outcome I’d have done that to begin with. Just like most men I too can have detached sex for gratification purposes only. What a fucker this guy is & how dare I admit that he even had the slightest affect on me, shame on me for being such a dumb girl & shame on him for being such a poor excuse for a man.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Joe Agius Won't Shoot You
Well guys, over the last few months I've been giving you all kinds of tips on dating & the shit I've been putting up with but today my friends I will tell you a story, a story of a crazy business owner who went insane on my friend Can, well for a while there they were insane on each other & that was a lot to handle! Ok so I'll give you some basic info that is needed to bring us to the reason I posted this to begin with. Joe Agius is a business owner of a prominent bar in Dearborn & in this bar is where Can & Joe met. Joe is married and doesn't seem to care much I guess because he was seeing Can & god knows who else for years, I'm sure he's probably still seeing other women but since I'm not around much anymore it's hard to know for sure but some things never change, lets just put it that way. Ok so Can & I lived together for some time so I was inadvertently stalked by Joe daily which was creepy, he would drive by & honk every single night...so annoying. Can & Joe had a very tumultuous relationship for like 5 years and one summer she hit him right in the face & broke the bone under his eye, this was funny. After the broken face incident things started to change a bit & Can started to understand that life was best without this douche bag. They both ended up taking out restraining orders on each other a few years back & that is basically what leads us here...due to the luxuries of community websites like Myspace & Facebook we can all stay in contact with people we love, like & loathe all at the same time, how awesome right? Not so much because you end up with shit like this coming through:
"Candy,Nice hipps, hows life any better? i want to own a hand gun. i promise not to shoot you with it. maybe how about taking off my hand cuffs? Joey"
So, what do you think, should she release the PPO & let Pound Cake (his nickname, if you saw him you'd get it) get a hand gun & not shoot her with it?The fact that he can't even properly spell hips makes me say no, plus the fact that I know the entire history of this situation also makes me lean toward no but part of me is thinking that she does live in another state now so maybe she should let him. I mean, I'm sure having the gun will provide entertainment for all of us in some way when he gets thrown in jail for pulling it on someone at the bar or accidentally shooting himself or some other dumb ass incident so really, this is a toss up!!
"Candy,Nice hipps, hows life any better? i want to own a hand gun. i promise not to shoot you with it. maybe how about taking off my hand cuffs? Joey"
So, what do you think, should she release the PPO & let Pound Cake (his nickname, if you saw him you'd get it) get a hand gun & not shoot her with it?The fact that he can't even properly spell hips makes me say no, plus the fact that I know the entire history of this situation also makes me lean toward no but part of me is thinking that she does live in another state now so maybe she should let him. I mean, I'm sure having the gun will provide entertainment for all of us in some way when he gets thrown in jail for pulling it on someone at the bar or accidentally shooting himself or some other dumb ass incident so really, this is a toss up!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Prime? Hardly!
Ok, so I just wanted to bitch for a moment about how much it sucks to be a single woman in her sexual prime. Every second of every day I'm thinking about nothing but sex & I'm not joking. At work I'm at my desk working my ass off then poof, some memory or thought pops into my head & I lose all count of what I was doing & I quickly drift off to a land of nakedness & pleasure & have to remind myself that I'm working & to snap out of it. Because things at work have been so stressful lately I can usually make it about 20 mins before I think of sex but when I'm slow it's non-stop. Men always say "women can get laid anytime they want" well I'm not going to disagree with that but I'm not interested in just random sex with strangers, I want hot killer sex with certain men, the men who pop into my head during these constant fantasies of mine. These men are the ones who have made me very happy in the past, not celebrities or men that I wish I could get, but actual men who are good lovers & are actually accessible to me. The thing that is getting in my way as of late is the fact that I work...I can't stay up late during the week so I have to leave the loving for the weekends & then when I try to make it work something always gets in the way. The other thing getting in the way is that guys are dumb...I hint at hanging out & they actually think I want to hang out when really, I just want in their pants. Some of the men in my life are totally cool with me saying "stop by & screw me?" while others are put off by it but I'm getting sick of playing all of these make nice games & I'm sick of entertaining lovers only to not get the lovin in the end. Bottom line guys, just come do me & then we can have drinks & catch up after, isn't this every man's idea of a good time? What is with all of these pussy dudes? These guys act like I'm out of line asking for their services, they act like Donna Martin saving herself for Mr. right...WTF? I guess I just never expected guys to gain morals when it comes to banging chicks but as soon as that's what I'm looking for every man I come across is looking for more!! Yes I want to get married & all that shit but right now I just want to get laid...all the time so for those of you boys that I contact & ask if you want to get together this is what I'm talking about, I don't want to actually meet you in public & hang out with you & your friends!!!!!

Sexual Prime,
Single Life
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Who could do better?
Are you with someone new? Have you gotten a new haircut? Are you just really wondering if your significant other is better looking than you? Click here, and find out what everyone else thinks!! This site is addictive, I love it. I heard an interview with the guy who created it on my morning show the other day & I sent it around to all my friends, I don't think anyone posted any pics of themselves but we all definitely voted on a bunch of the photos. Enjoy, and best of luck at being hotter than your partner!!

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