"A Girl's Gotta Eat!"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Prime? Hardly!

Ok, so I just wanted to bitch for a moment about how much it sucks to be a single woman in her sexual prime. Every second of every day I'm thinking about nothing but sex & I'm not joking. At work I'm at my desk working my ass off then poof, some memory or thought pops into my head & I lose all count of what I was doing & I quickly drift off to a land of nakedness & pleasure & have to remind myself that I'm working & to snap out of it. Because things at work have been so stressful lately I can usually make it about 20 mins before I think of sex but when I'm slow it's non-stop. Men always say "women can get laid anytime they want" well I'm not going to disagree with that but I'm not interested in just random sex with strangers, I want hot killer sex with certain men, the men who pop into my head during these constant fantasies of mine. These men are the ones who have made me very happy in the past, not celebrities or men that I wish I could get, but actual men who are good lovers & are actually accessible to me. The thing that is getting in my way as of late is the fact that I work...I can't stay up late during the week so I have to leave the loving for the weekends & then when I try to make it work something always gets in the way. The other thing getting in the way is that guys are dumb...I hint at hanging out & they actually think I want to hang out when really, I just want in their pants. Some of the men in my life are totally cool with me saying "stop by & screw me?" while others are put off by it but I'm getting sick of playing all of these make nice games & I'm sick of entertaining lovers only to not get the lovin in the end. Bottom line guys, just come do me & then we can have drinks & catch up after, isn't this every man's idea of a good time? What is with all of these pussy dudes? These guys act like I'm out of line asking for their services, they act like Donna Martin saving herself for Mr. right...WTF? I guess I just never expected guys to gain morals when it comes to banging chicks but as soon as that's what I'm looking for every man I come across is looking for more!! Yes I want to get married & all that shit but right now I just want to get laid...all the time so for those of you boys that I contact & ask if you want to get together this is what I'm talking about, I don't want to actually meet you in public & hang out with you & your friends!!!!!
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