Friday, October 24, 2008
Dating Tip #33
When going out for drinks it is acceptable to do round purchasing, but not within the first month that you are dating. In that first month the man/courter should pay for all of your drinks when you are going out to the bar/club. Once you are a couple then it’s totally fine for the woman/courtee to pay for her drinks, his drinks, everyone’s drinks if she so chooses.

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What's with all of your posts being about how the guy needs to pay for everything? I'm all for paying on the first couple of dates, but if the girl doesn't at least offer, then I usually write her off as a gold digger, a diva, or someone who can't take care of herself. Courtship is one thing, but expecting a man to bear the entire financial burden of the "getting to know each other" process is as outdated and sexist as a man expecting you to bang him at the end of the night just because he bought you dinner.
This attitude might fly with low quality guys who don't have a lot of dating options, but (at least where I live) you'd be disqualifying yourself from dating a lot of high quality men who respect themselves enough to not let a woman treat them like a meal ticket.
That's just my opinion from the guy's perspective.
While being courted (first 3-4 dates) I expect the bill to be picked up, that's why I never suggest anywhere expensive within the first month of dating someone. I don't expect them to pay my bills but I do expect them to pay for my meal at Chili's.
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