"A Girl's Gotta Eat!"

Friday, November 21, 2008

Why Aren't You Married?

You know, I am getting so sick of people always asking me why I'm not married yet. Most of the people who ask me this question are divorced or on a 2nd or 3rd marriage & every time I want to respond with "so I don't end up like you". I'm picky, I'm not willing to settle or I would have gotten married years ago & been divorced by now myself. After my grandma passed I thought the question would stop but noooo, even my co-workers are asking "why are you single, how come you aren't married" like marriage is the best thing in the world. Yes, I would like to get married but for the right reasons, not just to have a wedding. Although, if I don't meet someone decent soon I'm gonna marry myself because I'm sick of buying friends & family presents & giving them money when I'm not getting anything in return. For instance, my cousin is having her 2nd wedding in a couple weeks so I have to give her another gift & the last gift she gave me was in 1995 when I graduated from high school & more than likely her name was just on her parents card!!
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